Issue - items at meetings - Lining Maintenance Contract

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Issue - meetings

Lining Maintenance Contract

Meeting: 10/03/2011 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 106)

106 Lining Maintenance Contract pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


(1)         That the Cabinet Member approves the award of the Road Marking and Road Stud Contract to Hi-Way Services Ltd commencing 1 April 2011 for a period of five years.


106.1          The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place seeking approval to award a new contract for lining works throughout the City to the current provider, who was the only bidder, for the period 2011–2016.


106.2          RESOLVED - That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the Road Marking and Road Stud Contract be awarded to Hi-Way Services Ltd commencing 1 April 2011 for a period of five years.


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