Issue - items at meetings - Street Lighting Energy Contract

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Issue - meetings

Street Lighting Energy Contract

Meeting: 10/03/2011 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 105)

105 Street Lighting Energy Contract pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


(1)         That the Cabinet Member authorises the Head of City Infrastructure to continue with the current joint arrangement with East Sussex County Council to utilise the Buying Solutions framework agreement for the city’s street lighting energy procurement.


(2)         That the Cabinet Member notes that the current arrangement provides a cost effective and flexible solution; demonstrates our commitment to strategic partnership working and offers the opportunity of regular review and to improve our contract options in respect of energy procurement.


105.1          The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place seeking approval for an extension of the council’s current arrangement for the procurement of electricity for street lighting, illuminated bollards, signs and so on (henceforth referred to as illuminated street furniture) as well as traffic signals.


105.2          The Cabinet Member advised that the existing contract provided a cost effective and flexible solution, whilst also offering the council the opportunity of regular review to ensure best value in the future.


105.3          RESOLVED - That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the Head of City Infrastructure be authorised to continue with the current joint arrangement with East Sussex County Council to utilise the Buying Solutions framework agreement for the city’s street lighting energy procurement.


(2)         That it be noted that the current arrangement provides a cost effective and flexible solution; demonstrates our commitment to strategic partnership working and offers the opportunity of regular review and to improve our contract options in respect of energy procurement.


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