Issue - items at meetings - Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Project:Update

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Issue - meetings

Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Project:Update

Meeting: 07/12/2010 - Enterprise, Employment & Major Projects Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 36)

36 Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Project:Update pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place (copy attached)


(1)       That the Cabinet Member agrees the amended project structure and that Officers continue to investigate appropriate governance arrangements.


36.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director of Place providing an update on the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Project and seeking agreement to progress changes to the project management and governance arrangements.


36.2    The Head of Planning and Strategy explained that it had proved necessary to amend the report recommendation in order to most accurately reflect the current position. He went on to explain that following a review of the project management and governance arrangements which had involved all of the partner organisations a number of recommendations had been agreed by the Leaders of the City Council, Adur District Council and The Deputy Leader of West Sussex County Council and had been endorsed by an Officer Working Group. A further review of arrangements would take place in February 2011.


36.3    Councillor Randall enquired regarding the other agencies/partners involved, asking whether for example SEEDA had a continuing involvement. He also enquired regarding the area intended to be encompassed by any regeneration scheme. It was explained that it the area included was now smaller than had been the case in the past with a direct emphasis on the port area itself and its immediate environs. The purpose in doing so was to focus directly on the port area and to set clear objectives for it and to have a transparency in decision making within a far “tighter” and more streamlined structure than had been the case in the past.


36.4    Councillor Davis requested that information in relation to capacity be provided in any further future report.


36.5    The Cabinet Member, Councillor Fallon-Khan welcomed the report stating that a streamlined decision making process which would facilitate decision making in order to fully realise the site’s regeneration and employment potential was welcomed.


36.6    RESOLVED - That the Cabinet Member agrees the amended project structure and that Officers continue to investigate appropriate governance arrangements.


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