Issue - items at meetings - Preston Road junction improvements
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Preston Road junction improvements
Meeting: 03/02/2011 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 93)
93 Preston Road junction improvements PDF 83 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 93 Appendix 1, item 93 PDF 4 MB
- Item 93 Appendix 2, item 93 PDF 136 KB View as HTML (93/3) 262 KB
- Item 93 Appendix 3, item 93 PDF 30 KB View as HTML (93/4) 42 KB
(1) That the consultation results, which indicate an overall support for the scheme as consulted, be noted.
93.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place concerning the results of the public consultation carried out on the Preston Road junction improvements and seeking approval to commence detailed design and preparation of the Traffic Regulation Orders and begin implementation.
93.2 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the proposals and thanked officers for incorporating the views of the ward councillors.
93.3 Councillor West welcomed the proposals in the report overall, but queried the decision not to implement a shared space for pedestrians and cyclists at Argyle Road. He also requested clarification on the use of Cycle Town funding for the scheme when larger schemes would not be going ahead.
93.4 The Lead Commissioner for City Regulation & Infrastructure advised that a shared space was considered, but that the pavement was too narrow to accommodate it. He explained that all of the Cycle Town funding had been allocated; where larger schemes did not go ahead, the money was spent on smaller schemes to good effect.
93.5 RESOLVED - That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the consultation results, which indicate an overall support for the scheme as consulted, be noted.
(2) That Officers be instructed to implement the scheme (as shown on the Plan in Appendix 1), to include advertising any associated Traffic Regulation Orders and Notices under the Road Traffic Act 1984 and associated shared footway areas.(see Appendix 3).