Issue - items at meetings - Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence

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Issue - meetings

Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence

Meeting: 31/01/2011 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 20)

Domestic Violence, Youth Crime and Sexual Violence

(Copy to be tabled).


1)              That the presentation and matters arising from the presentation on Youth Crime, Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence be noted.



20.1         The Board considered a presentation on Youth Crime, Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence. The report outlined and detailed issues including:


·                    Community safety, crime reduction and drugs strategy

·                    The Community Safety Partnership

·                    Youth Crime initiatives including Operation Park and other multi-agency work

·                    The Family Intervention and Think Family projects

·                    Commissioning, services and intervention programmes to prevent and reduce cases of sexual violence

·                    The Domestic Violence Intelligent Commissioning Pilot


20.2         Andrew Jeffrey praised the report and asked the presenters if information was available to parents on some of the resources and services available.


20.3         The report authors clarified that that information was available in numerous public places. Service development was constantly monitored seeking improvement. This included, amongst others, the widening of the scope and publicity of the ‘Stay Safe’ programme.


20.4         Andrew Jeffrey enquired as to how the report authors had come to the conclusion that an increase in reported incidences of sexual violence indicated that their strategies were effective.


20.5         The report authors responded that this was measured in conjunction with other performance indicators and showed a change in attitudes whereby victims of these crimes were more willing to come forward with the knock on effect a higher charge and conviction rate.


20.6         Councillor Fryer agreed with the importance that raising awareness had in preventing and convictions for such offences. She asked for more information on the effectiveness of educational schemes such as RISE.


20.7         Gail Gray responded that the RISE programme had been very successful in educating young people about healthy relationships. Unfortunately, the grants that funded the scheme had been withdrawn. However, the programme would continue at some academy schools and primary schools.


20.8         David Standing commented that domestic violence counseling was one of the main services his organisation provided yet there was no forum to share information with partner bodies. He believed progress in this area would bring improvement.


20.9         The Chairman agreed adding that this was one of the priorities discussed at the Local Safeguarding Children Board meeting that day.


20.10    Councillor Kemble thanked the officers for their informative report and queried how the pilot programmes would inform policy.


20.11    The report authors answered that the pilots would inform the Intelligent Commissioning framework. They were currently seeking to commission three out of the four pilot areas.


20.12    Chief Superintendent Bartlett elaborated more on the success of Operation Park. Of the 575 young people stopped for their first offence the work of the Anti-Social Behaviour Team, Targeted Youth Support and the Youth Prevention Service meant that re-offending figures were in single figures.


20.13    The Chairman thanked Chief Superintendent Bartlett for the information provided and the partner bodies for working together to great result.


20.14    RESOLVED- That the presentation and matters arising from the presentation on Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence be noted.



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