Issue - items at meetings - Committee Meetings Timetable

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Issue - meetings

Committee Meetings Timetable

Meeting: 01/02/2011 - Governance Committee (Item 64)

64 Review of Meetings Timetable pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources (copy attached).

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RESOLVED - That the proposed timetable of meetings for 2011/12 be approved.


64.1         The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Resources concerning the proposed timetable of meetings for 2011/12.


64.2         Councillor Kitcat highlighted the issue of clashes with meetings of the Police and Fire Authorities.


64.3         Councillor Simson also noted that there were a small number of clashes, which made it difficult for councillors and members of the public. She also reported that the number of personnel appeals had increased during the previous year.


64.4         In response to the comments from Members, the Head of Democratic Services advised that, where possible, licensing panels would hear two applications in one sitting, but that statutory timescales meant that this was not always possible. The timetable had been sent to the Police and Fire Authorities, but they had chosen to set their meeting dates at times which clashed with council meetings.


64.5         The Head of Legal & Democratic Services explained that the Fire Authority also included Members from across the local authorities in East Sussex and that it would be difficult for them to identify times that were convenient to all Members, but that the council would do what it could to prevent clashes in the future.


64.6         RESOLVED - That the proposed timetable of meetings for 2011/12 be approved.


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