Issue - items at meetings - Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Background Studies

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Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Background Studies

Meeting: 12/06/2008 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 19)

Local Development Framework Core Strategy – Background Studies

Additional documents:


1.     That the six completed background studies and four interim background studies as supporting evidence for the revised preferred options Core Strategy, part of the Local Development Framework be approved.


2.     That it be noted that the final versions of those four studies currently at the interim stage would be brought back to the Cabinet in November 2008.


19.1    The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment seeking approval of six background studies and four interim background studies contributing to the evidence base for the revised preferred options Core Strategy, part of the Local Development Framework (for copy see minute book).


19.2    RESOLVEDHaving considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1) That the six completed background studies and four interim background studies as supporting evidence for the revised preferred options Core Strategy, part of the Local Development Framework be approved.


(2) That it be noted that the final versions of those four studies currently at the interim stage would be brought back to the Cabinet in November 2008.


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