Issue - items at meetings - Connexions Service

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Issue - meetings

Connexions Service

Meeting: 17/02/2011 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 163)

163 Connexions Service pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That Cabinet considers and approves the proposed model for a redesigned Connexions Service outlined in this report.


163.1          The Cabinet considered a report of the Strategic Director, People concerning the proposed redesigned provision for Brighton & Hove City Council to continue to fulfil its statutory responsibilities to provide a Connexions Service which provides a package of support for young people aged 13-19 years and up to 25 years for young people with Learning Difficulties / Disabilities / Special Educational Needs (LDD/SEN).


163.2          Councillor Brown explained that amendments had been made to the original proposals following consultation with staff and that the retention of 13.5 full time equivalent (FTE) posts was proposed, with the intention to redeploy remaining staff. The aim was to achieve a citywide integrated service.


163.3          Councillor Mitchell raised a number of concerns in relation to the future of independent advice for young people and stated that cuts to the service were too large and the redesign would not be adequate, despite responsibilities being passed to schools. She noted that the service would focus those most in need of help and queried how others would access similar advice. She also noted that the Education Bill had not yet become law and that legal judgements were outstanding in other areas where local authorities had made changes to their Connexions services.


163.4          Councillor Randall highlighted concerns in relation to the impact of additional responsibilities being transferred to schools and the ongoing support for young people with special educational needs (SEN) in light of reduced resources. He stated that early intervention was essential for young people and that it was unwise to make significant cuts to the service at a time when unemployment amongst young people was rising.


163.5          Councillor Brown advised that the redesigned service would focus on those most in need, but that there would still be support for young people with SEN. Early intervention and prevention remained a high priority and schools would be able to provide the necessary advice with support from the council.


163.6          Councillor Mitchell requested a written breakdown of how the available funding would cover the redesign and staffing costs, and how the council proposed to fund schools to provide careers guidance for students when the statutory duty was introduced.


163.7          Councillor Fallon-Khan noted a number of misleading articles in the media in relation to the Connexions Service and the detrimental impact on staff and service users.


163.8          RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That the proposed model for a redesigned Connexions Service outlined in the report be approved.


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