Issue - items at meetings - The Reconfiguration of Short Term Services
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The Reconfiguration of Short Term Services
Meeting: 14/11/2011 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 15)
15 The Reconfiguration of Short Term Services PDF 256 KB
Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People & Chief Operating Officer, PCT (copy attached).
(1) That the proposed model for short term services be supported.
(2) That the process for reaching a definitive decision on the delivery mechanism for implementing the new service model be agreed.
15.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People concerning the proposed model for the future of short term services. The proposed changes to the service model would mean the pathway would be more streamlined, would improve patient experience and outcomes, support the prevention of avoidable admissions to hospital and long term residential care, and facilitate effective discharge. It would also be in line with the outcomes of the needs assessment and the preference expressed by people using these services.
15.2 The report described the process of reaching agreement on the delivery mechanism for implementing the new service model. The Joint Commissioning Board would be asked to sign off the proposed mechanism in an extraordinary meeting in January.
15.3 The Location and Transformation Manager reported that the scope of the project had slightly changed. It now included urgent care services and it excluded two services from the scope. There was an extensive consultation process in relation to the proposals.
15.4 Janice Robinson asked why the local authority’s Home Care Re-ablement Services had been removed from the proposals. She also asked about the impact of that decision.
15.5 The Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People explained that this was an in house, enabling service and it had not been practical or viable to include it in the proposals.
15.6 RESOLVED – (1) That the proposed model for short term services be supported.
(2) That the process for reaching a definitive decision on the delivery mechanism for implementing the new service model be agreed.