Issue - items at meetings - Sussex Partnership Trust (SPT) Contract

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Issue - meetings

Sussex Partnership Trust (SPT) Contract

Meeting: 19/10/2009 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 25)

25 Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) Contract pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (to follow)


(1)    That the current contractual position be noted.


    (2)   That officers prepare a further update report.



25.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing which set out the changes in the contractual arrangements between the Primary Care Trust and Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust.  These linked to changes in the publication of a Department of Health National Contract for Mental Health.  The report also provided detail of the current contractual position.  Prior to this the Primary Care Trust had signed a 5 year contract with the Trust (for copy see minute book). 


25.2    Councillor Taylor asked for clarification of paragraph 3.5.  He also asked how the contract would be monitored.  The Director of Adult Social Care & Housing explained that the contract would include financial penalties to encourage improved quality and performance.  The Director of Community Care explained that there was a range of robust mechanisms for monitoring the contract. 


25.3    RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That the current contractual position be noted.


(2)       That officers prepare a further update report.



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