Issue - items at meetings - Patcham Court Farm – Update on Disposal

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Issue - meetings

Patcham Court Farm – Update on Disposal

Meeting: 16/10/2008 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 94)

94 Patcham Court Farm – Update on Disposal pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Report of the Interim Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached)

Additional documents:


That the Cabinet approve the re-marketing of the site with a broadened planning brief through the council’s agents DTZ, by contacting potential interested parties to test the market now and following re-assessment of the market to re-launch the site in Spring 2009. This course is not to preclude consideration of disposal in the event that an appropriate prior bid emerges in line with the current planning criteria.


*94.1   The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources that advised Members on the present position regarding the disposal of Patcham Court Farm Site and sought affirmation of the marketing approach in the current property market (for copy see minute book).


94.2    RESOLVED - That the re-marketing of the site with a broadened planning brief through the council’s agents DTZ by contacting potential interested parties to test the market now and following re-assessment of the market to re-launch the site in Spring 2009 be approved. This course is not to preclude consideration of disposal in the event that an appropriate prior bid emerges in line with the current planning criteria.


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