Issue - items at meetings - Procurement of Vehicles and Plant.
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Procurement of Vehicles and Plant.
Meeting: 09/06/2011 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 19)
19 Procurement of Vehicles PDF 85 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 19 Appendix A, item 19
PDF 36 KB View as HTML (19/2) 46 KB
- Item 19 Appendix B, item 19
PDF 36 KB View as HTML (19/3) 34 KB
- Item 19 Appendix C, item 19
PDF 42 KB View as HTML (19/4) 46 KB
- Item 19 ECSOSC Summary, item 19
PDF 36 KB View as HTML (19/5) 38 KB
- Webcast for Procurement of Vehicles
(1) That Cabinet approves the fleet vehicle replacement programme up to 2016/17 outlined in Appendix A, which will be subject to approval of the annual Capital Investment Programme by Full Council and subject to an annual review of all vehicle replacement programmes to determine if the need for new vehicles as specified still exists.
(2) That following the approval of detailed business cases by the Director of Finance, tenders be placed through either the EU procurement process or through existing legally compliant national framework agreements and that delegated authority be given to the Director of Finance to award current and future years’ the contract(s).
(3) That the recommendations from the Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee be approved.
19.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Strategic Director, Resources concerning the development and implementation of a fleet replacement programme to reduce carbon emissions and delivering value for money savings.
19.2 Councillor West noted that that the investment would result in savings of around £124,000 over a number of years. He advised that the fleet contributed 8% to the council’s total carbon emissions and that the replacement programme would reduce the contribution by 22%, as well as achieving value for money for residents and improved working conditions for staff.
19.3 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the proposals and commended the recommendations put forward by the Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny.
19.4 Councillor Theobald noted that work on the proposals had begun under the previous Administration. He sought further clarity around the financial information and in particular questioned the cost of individual vehicles.
19.5 The Strategic Director, Place agreed to provide further information about the financial implications in writing, but added that vehicles were more expensive because a number of multi-purpose vehicles would be purchased in order to accommodate wheelchair users and other disabled users.
19.6 The Chair advised that the mobile library would be replaced separately and that he had asked officers to ensure that the replacement be as green as possible.
19.7 In response to a question from Councillor Mitchell, Councillor West confirmed that the new gritting vehicles did not form part of the replacement programme.
19.8 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the fleet vehicle replacement programme up to 2016/17, outlined in Appendix A, be approved and that it be subject to the approval of the annual Capital Investment Programme by Full Council and subject to an annual review of all vehicle replacement programmes to determine if the need for new vehicles as specified still existed.
(2) That, following the approval of detailed business cases by the Director of Finance, tenders be placed through either the EU procurement process or through existing legally compliant national framework agreements and that delegated authority be given to the Director of Finance to award current and future years’ the contract(s).
(3) That the recommendations from the Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee be approved.