Issue - items at meetings - Rottingdean Character Statement

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Issue - meetings

Rottingdean Character Statement

Meeting: 26/05/2011 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 13)

13 Rottingdean Character Statement pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That the Rottingdean Conservation Area Character Statement be adopted, subject to any minor grammatical and non-material alterations agreed with the relevant Cabinet Member.


(2)         That an Article 4(1) Direction be made for dwellings in the area under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as recommended by the Rottingdean Conservation Area Appraisal and detailed in annex 3.


(3)         That the proposed boundary changes, as set out in the Character Statement and illustrated in annex 4, be approved and formally designated under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


13.1         Councillor Kennedy considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place seeking approval of the Rottingdean Conservation Area Character Statement, following a positive public response to consultation.


13.2         Councillor Kennedy reported that the consultation response had been generally positive and that where appropriate changes had been made to the text to reflect the consultation responses. She welcomed the valuable contributions from the Parish Council, local Preservation Society and Councillor Hyde and advised that the character statement would help owners and designers to create development schemes that were sympathetic to the area’s distinctive character, and provide a sound basis for making future development control decisions.


13.3         The Design & Conservation Manager praised the work of the Planning Officer in compiling the character statement, which provided good guidance that would be easy to use in practice.


13.4         Councillor Theobald emphasised the importance of consultation and noted that the ward councillors were supportive of the final document.


13.5         RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Councillor Kennedy accepted the following recommendation:


(1)         That the Rottingdean Conservation Area Character Statement be adopted, subject to any minor grammatical and non-material alterations agreed with the relevant Cabinet Member.


(2)         That an Article 4(1) Direction be made for dwellings in the area under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as recommended by the Rottingdean Conservation Area Appraisal and detailed in annex 3.


(3)         That the proposed boundary changes, as set out in the Character Statement and illustrated in annex 4, be approved and formally designated under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


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