Issue - items at meetings - Supported Bus Services: Area Network Review Consultation

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Issue - meetings

Supported Bus Services: Area Network Review Consultation

Meeting: 26/05/2011 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 16)

16 Supported Bus Services: Area Network Review Consultation pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That the Cabinet Member authorises a full consultation exercise to inform the Area Network Review.


(2)         That a report be brought to a future Cabinet Member Meeting, once the results of the Area Network Review consultation have been collated, tenders from prospective contractors have been analysed, and recommendations for the future Supported Local Bus Network have been formulated.


(3)         That the Cabinet Member approves the enhanced vehicle emission standards specified.


16.1         Councillor Davey considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place seeking approval to start the Area Network Review process for new contracts for supported bus services to start in September 2012, and to undertake a full consultation process with elected members, user groups, and community groups.


16.2         Councillor Davey explained that the aim of the new contracts would be to fully meet the needs of the community and reflect any changes to the commercial bus network. He welcomed the division of the contracts into individual routes or groups to create more opportunities for smaller operators to bid.


16.3         In response to a question from Councillor Mitchell concerning the declining Value for Money budget for supported bus routes, the Lead Commissioner for City Regulation & Infrastructure explained that the review would look at existing routes and consider whether any were no longer required or whether some could be provided commercially.


16.4         Councillor Janio questioned whether Councillor Davey was required to declare an interest in respect of the report. He emphasised the importance of supported bus routes to local communities and the need to protect them.


16.5         Councillor Davey confirmed that he did not have an interest to declare and this was confirmed by the Lawyer to the meeting.


16.6         In response to questions from Councillor Theobald, the Lead Commissioner explained that the consultation was part of a citywide review of all supported bus routes and that comments from all parts of the community were welcomed, including those where there may be demand for a new route. He added that the new contracts were designed to support competition.


16.7         Councillor Davey encouraged residents to respond to the consultation and advised that all providers would be able to submit bids for routes. He reported that that he would continue discussions about cross subsidy with officers.


16.8         The Lawyer to the meeting advised that an amendment to recommendation 2.2 was required in order to make the next steps clear (see 16.9(2) below).


16.9         RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Councillor Davey accepted the following recommendation:


(1)         That a full consultation exercise to inform the Area Network Review be authorised.


(2)         That a report be brought to a future Cabinet Member Meeting, once the results of the Area Network Review consultation have been collated, tenders from prospective contractors have been analysed, and recommendations for the future Supported Local Bus Network have been formulated.


(3)         That the enhanced vehicle emission standards specified be approved.


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