Issue - items at meetings - Annual Governance Statement 2010/11

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Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement 2010/11

Meeting: 28/06/2011 - Audit Committee (Item 11)

11 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Director of Finance (copy attached).

Additional documents:


RESOLVED- That the Audit Committee:


Approve the Annual Governance Statement for publication


Note the actions to further improve governance arrangements. The Committee will be updated during 2011/12 on progress made.



11.1         The Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance that provided a comprehensive assessment of the governance arrangements and the internal control environment across all activities of the council. Once approved, the Annual Governance Statement would be signed by the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council and published on its own as a separate document. Also, to comply with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011 it would accompany the Statement of Accounts for 2010/11.


11.2         Councillor Mitchell enquired if the Annual Governance Statement was monitored externally.


11.3         The Head of Audit and Business Risk clarified that it was monitored by the Audit Commission. Where the Statement is inconsistent with work undertaken, changes can be made as had happened around two years ago.


11.4         Councillor Wealls asked if the Fraud Risk Analysis and Measurement review had been undertaken and any recommendations adopted.


11.5         The Director of Finance replied that a report and presentation by Deloitte Public Sector Internal Audit had been considered at the December 2010 meeting. This had provided an overview of the biggest fraud risks and had been incorporated into the work undertaken by Internal Audit.


11.6         The Head of Audit and Business Risk highlighted that Brighton & Hove were one of very few local authorities examining fraud risk as part of their audit workplan.


11.7         RESOLVED- That the Audit Committee:


Approve the Annual Governance Statement for publication


Note the actions to further improve governance arrangements. The Committee will be updated during 2011/12 on progress made.



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