Issue - items at meetings - State of the City
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State of the City
Meeting: 09/06/2011 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 11)
11 State of the City report and summary PDF 77 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 11 Appendix 1, item 11
- Item 11 OSC Summary, item 11
PDF 51 KB View as HTML (11/3) 42 KB
- Webcast for State of the City report and summary
(1) That Cabinet reviews and notes the contents of the State of the City report and summary.
(2) That Cabinet approves the report and summary for publication by July, to inform future commissioning decisions.
11.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Strategic Director, Resources concerning the State of the City report and summary, which provided a snapshot of the city in terms of its characteristics and key issues, with an ultimate aim of creating a shared sense of priorities.
11.2 The Chair explained that the report would allow for a wider perspective on the challenges faced by the city and begin looking for solutions.
11.3 Councillor Theobald welcomed the report and noted that it did not contain anything unexpected. He asked for clarity on the new Administration’s stance on Intelligent Commissioning and associated timescales.
11.4 The Chair advised that he had always been supportive on the concept of Intelligent Commissioning, but that he did not approve of the way it was introduced due to the high costs to the council and the potential for outsourcing under the previous Administration. He acknowledged the success of the pilots and the need to make further progress; the State of the City report would enable the council to establish new priorities and begin tackling the issues affecting the city.
11.5 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the report, which brought together information from other strategic plans from the council’s partner organisations. She acknowledged successes achieved in tackled drug treatment and smoking cessation. She stated that she would like to see early work on the following:
§ Secondary school performance
§ Waste performance and recycling rates
§ Allotment provision
§ Bus congestion
§ Use of leisure facilities and parks by residents living in areas of deprivation
11.6 In response to comments from opposition Members, Councillor West stated that improving the recycling rate and introducing food waste recycling were a high priority; the issue of fortnightly rubbish collections had not yet been determined as ideas were still being formulated.
11.7 The Chair thanked Paula Black and Claire Wardman for their work on producing the report.
11.8 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the contents of the State of the City report and summary be reviewed and noted.
(2) That the report and summary be approved for publication by July, to inform future commissioning decisions.