Issue - items at meetings - City Perform

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Issue - meetings

City Perform

Meeting: 20/10/2011 - Council (Item 33)

33 City Performance Plan & BHCC Organisational Health Report pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 14/07/2011 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 40)

40 City Performance Plan & BHCC Organisational Health Report pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Joint report of the Strategic Director, Resources and the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)         That Cabinet notes the new Performance and Risk Management Framework for the council.


(2)         That Cabinet endorses the City Performance Plan and recommends it to the Public Service Board (PSB) for final agreement.


(3)         That Cabinet approves the Organisational Health Report as being an appropriate suite of indicators to support the Strategic Leadership Board’s management of the organisation.


40.1         The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Strategic Director, Resources and Strategic Director, Place concerning an overview of the Performance and Risk Management Framework (PRMF) and presenting the City Performance Plan and the Organisational Health Report.


40.2         Councillor Peltzer Dunn welcomed the more localised approach to performance monitoring, but questioned whether the number of proposed targets would result in a more streamlined approach. He requested that the report be forwarded to the Full Council for approval, as had been the case with the LAA.


40.3         Councillor J Kitcat explained that targets were not being renegotiated and that, unlike the LAA, there were no financial incentives involved. He advised that the City Performance Plan was owned by Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership, not the council, and that final approval rested with them.


40.4         Councillor Mitchell advised the Overview & Scrutiny Commission had considered the documents thoroughly.


40.5         The Chair stated that he was happy to refer the report to the Full Council, but that the agreement of the Strategic Partnership would be required.


40.6         RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)         That Cabinet notes the new Performance and Risk Management Framework for the council.


(2)         That Cabinet endorses the City Performance Plan and recommends it to the Public Service Board (PSB) for final agreement.


(3)         That Cabinet approves the Organisational Health Report as being an appropriate suite of indicators to support the Strategic Leadership Board’s management of the organisation.


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