Issue - items at meetings - Long Term Contract for the Servicing, Maintenance, Repair and Refurbishment of all HRA Lifts
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Long Term Contract for the Servicing, Maintenance, Repair and Refurbishment of all HRA Lifts
Meeting: 10/09/2008 - Housing Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 44)
44 Housing Management Lift Condition Report
Additional documents:
1 That the recommendation to tender for a long term agreement (9 years) for the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of all HRA lifts be approved.
2 That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers to approve the award of the contract for the repair, maintenance and refurbishment of the HRA lifts, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of the tenders offered under OJEU, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
*44.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing seeking approval to tender for a long term agreement for the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of all HRA lifts, including stair and through floor lifts as well as any future lifts added to the portfolio, and to give delegated authority to award said contract to the best value supplier following a formal OJEU tender in accordance with Contract Standing Order CSO 9.1 (for copy see minute book).
44.2 Councillor Simpson noted that it had not been possible to consult as fully with Tenant Representatives as before in procuring this agreement.
44.3 Officers commented that the original scheme had been subject to extensive consultation when it had first been devised. However, the project had been delayed due to a hiatus bought about by the need to analyse overall Asset Management. Tenants and Tenant Representatives would be involved throughout the life of the contract.
44.4 The Cabinet Member noted that Leaseholders would be consulted as part of the council’s statutory duties.
44.5 RESOLVED - (1) That the recommendation to tender for a long term agreement (9 years) for the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of all HRA lifts, be approved.
(2) That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers to approve the award of the contract for the repair, maintenance and refurbishment of the HRA lifts, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of the tenders offered under OJEU, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.