Issue - items at meetings - Policy on Gypsies and Travellers

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Issue - meetings

Policy on Gypsies and Travellers

Meeting: 05/09/2011 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 Gypsies and Travellers: Requests for Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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17.1 At the invitation of the Chair Councillor G Theobald introduced his request for scrutiny of protester encampments. He referred to disruption caused by an encampment at the Old Steine in May. Because environment, transport, tourism, and community safety lay within the remit of several Cabinet Members Councillor Theobald requested a scrutiny review into the matter.


17.2 There was a question on the discussion at 6 June Cabinet (report paragraph 3.11 refers).


17.3 In considering the request the Committee Members did not feel the matter required a scrutiny review; however an officer report was asked for, with an invitation to the Commissioner, Community Safety and the Police.


17.4 Members also wished to invite Cllr Ben Duncan to speak to the Committee about policy in this area.


17.5 Councillor Theobald turned to the remaining part of his letter, requesting scrutiny of policy on gypsies and travellers as set out in Appendix 1. Concerned residents had contacted him, in particular about incursions onto sensitive sites such as nature reserves. Councillor Theobald asked what was being done to prevent access, why did it sometimes take a long time to retain possession of land.


17.6 Councillor Theobald questioned the number of gypsy and traveller families involved, whether numbers might increase, if appropriate notices were being served and the possible options and implications for permanent or other sites in future. He said other local authorities need to take action.


17.7 He called for an independent, all-Party scrutiny review to consider these points and hear from traveller group representatives. The Brighton & Hove Environmental Action Group would be a potential witness.


17.8 Councillor Liz Wakefield had submitted a request for scrutiny as part of the public consultation on suitable topics for investigation. She told the meeting in her direct experience, Gypsy Roma and Traveller (GRT) groups were often disadvantaged especially in provision of health, education and homes services, and on average had reduced life expectancy by 15 years. She said there was no reason why children of GRT families could not attain good grades and every child had a right to education.


17.9 Councillor Wakefield said stereotypical views needed to be combated. The GRT community needed somewhere to live, and should be considered alongside the settled community. She said building bridges had been done elsewhere and asked that a scrutiny review be set up to look at how outreach work and services can be improved for gypsy roma and traveller groups in the City.


17.10 The Chair Councillor Morgan reminded Members that a review of the 2008 Travellers Strategy had been agreed at 14 July Cabinet with a view to approval by March 2012, according to the timetable included in the report at Appendix 5. It was important that scrutiny added value and did not duplicate work already being done.                                                                                                                                 .

17.11 Members agreed that there was a lot of support for conducting a scrutiny review. Some felt that more could be done to improve relations between communities and a scrutiny would help dispel misconceptions. Witnesses could include academics as well as community representatives The process needed to be open and transparent.


17.12 The Head of Scrutiny Tom Hook suggested that any scrutiny panel could be designed to be flexible enough to dovetail with the Cabinet commissioned review.


17.13 Following discussion ECSOSC agreed to establish a Scrutiny Panel to be involved in the Cabinet review according to the draft timetable set out as Appendix 5 to the report, undertaking additional independent work only if necessary.


17.14 RESOLVED 1)that a report on protest encampments as minuted above at 17.3 – 17.4 be requested to a future meeting


2) that a scrutiny review be established as minuted above at 17.13



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