Issue - items at meetings - Report back from the ECSOSC Flood Risk Workshop

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Issue - meetings

Report back from the ECSOSC Flood Risk Workshop

Meeting: 05/09/2011 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)

19 Report back from the ECSOSC Flood Risk Workshop pdf icon PDF 83 KB


19. 1 Councillor Sykes outlined the 22 July ECSOSC flood risk workshop that he Chaired.  He told the meeting that the City was deemed to be at high risk from flooding events. The workshop had considered the analyses and looked for any gaps in available information.


19.2 However some of the larger stakeholders did not seem to be fully engaged and this seemed to be a national issue. The workshop recommended that representation be made to DEFRA regarding Network Rail’s inadequate provision of information thus far.  Members agreed to this.


19.3 The overall process for developing the larger Surface Water Management Plan would take until 2015;  a follow-up workshop could be added to the work plan if needed in due course.



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