Issue - items at meetings - Award of Web Casting Contract

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Issue - meetings

Award of Web Casting Contract

Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Governance Committee (Item 31)

31 Award of Web Casting Contract pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources (copy attached).


RESOLVED – That the award of a 3-year contract for the web casting of meetings and associated events be delegated to the Strategic Director, Resources.


31.1         The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Resources seeking delegated authority to award the web casting contract following a tendering exercise.


31.2         The Head of Democratic Services reported that three tenders had been received and that evaluation had begun earlier in the day.


31.3         Councillor Mears noted that the quality of web casts in the Council Chamber at Hove Town Hall had been affected by the position of the cameras.


31.4         The Head of Democratic Services confirmed that the Hove Centre had agreed for the cameras to be moved in order to improve the quality of the web casts.


31.5         Councillor J Kitcat welcomed the re-tendering of the contract and stated that web casting meetings had increased interest in the council’s decision-making processes and improved access.


31.6         Councillor Morgan stated that he hoped consideration would be giving to extending the web casting facility to more meetings.


31.7         RESOLVED – That the award of a 3-year contract for the web casting of meetings and associated events be delegated to the Strategic Director, Resources.


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