Issue - items at meetings - Carers Strategy Refresh

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Issue - meetings

Carers Strategy Refresh

Meeting: 14/11/2011 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 21)

21 Carers Strategy Refresh pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)       That the Carers Strategy refresh and key priorities to March 2013 be agreed.


(2)       That the development of a universal offer for carers of adults to be piloted from April 2012 for one year be agreed.


(3)               That it be agreed to continue the policy of providing services to carers whose savings fall below the nationally agreed statutory threshold.


(4)               That the reallocation of funding directed to individuals for a carer’s service to ensure that these services are available to a greater number of carers as detailed at paragraph 3.2.3. be noted.



21.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People and the Chief Operating Officer, Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Sussex which presented an update to the Carers Strategy.  The report highlighted the key achievements to date and recommended priorities for the work programme to March 2013.  A delivery plan was attached at appendix 1.   The report proposed the development of a universal offer of services which would be available to all carers of adults in the city from April 2012. 


21.2    Dr Stevenson referred to paragraph 3.2.3 of the report which recommended that the maximum annual expenditure per carer be reduced from £300 to £250.  In paragraph 5.1.2 it quoted a figure of £150 p.a.  The Commissioner confirmed that the correct figure was £250.  


21.3    The Commissioner confirmed that officers did support carers who applied directly to organisations for funding.


21.4    Janice Robinson stated that Brighton and Hove should be proud of the overall strategy.  The NHS had contributed more funding to carers in the City than any other part of the country.  However, although the report spoke about a universal offer of services, changes were taking place which would result in some carers getting less funding or none.  Funding was being spread more thinly.


21.5         The Commissioner agreed that this would be the case unless more money became available in the budget.   The work being carried out was identifying more carers.  However, the Carers Card had been introduced, which gave many discounts to carers.  It was also proposed to develop a universal offer for all carers of adults in the city. 


21.6    The Chair stated that when reviewing the overall budget, he did not want to see a reduction in the total expenditure on carers.   He hoped to see an increase in the uptake of the Carers Challenge in 2012.  He had taken part this year and found it an eye opening experience.

            Geraldine Hoban also stated the PCT’s commitment to carers’ services and to maintaining current expenditure levels.


21.7    Councillor Norman agreed that the Carers Challenge was eye opening and he thought it would be good for more elected members to get involved in this work. 



21.8    James May asked about the numbers of carers known to services in the city.  The Commissioner replied that the Carers Survey was sent to 2000 people but that the 2001 Census identified 23,000 carers.  The Chair thought that figure was likely to be 10% or 20% of the total number of carers in the city.  A significant number did not ask for help


21.9    James May suggested that the Carers Challenge should be built into a wider community challenge.  The Chair agreed that the Carers Centre would welcome more support.  He would look at Mr May’s suggestion. 


21.10  The Director of Adult Social Services drew attention to the work being carried out in GP’s surgeries.  The PCT supported the Carers Strategy in the city.   


21.11  RESOLVED - (1)      That the Carers Strategy refresh and key priorities to March 2013 be agreed.


(2)       That the development of a universal offer for carers of adults to be piloted from April 2012 for one year be agreed.


(3)               That it be agreed to continue the policy of providing services to carers whose savings fall below the nationally agreed statutory threshold.


(4)               That the reallocation of funding directed to individuals for a carer’s service to ensure that these services are available to a greater number of carers as detailed at paragraph 3.2.3. be noted.



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