Issue - items at meetings - Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill - conduct of elections

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Issue - meetings

Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill - conduct of elections

Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Governance Committee (Item 26)

26 Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill - conduct of elections pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Resources (copy attached).




(1)         That the Governance Committee notes the content and implications of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill.


(2)         That the Governance Committee requests further reports once the Bill is enacted, including specific implications for Brighton & Hove as and when further information becomes available.


26.1         The Committee considered a report of the Strategic  Director, Resources concerning the progress of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill through Parliament, in particular the provision relating to elections of Police and Crime Commissioners.


26.2         The Head of City Services reported that the Bill had received Royal Assent since the report had been written and that some changes had been made. The first elections would now take place on 15 November 2012 and the annual electoral register canvass had been brought forward to September to accommodate the elections. She advised that the framework for the elections was not yet clear and that the challenge for officers would be to work with other local authorities (LAs) in Sussex to ensure a well co-ordinated process.


26.3         Councillor Morgan stated that he opposed the replacement of Police Authorities with Police and Crime Commissioners. He raised concerns about the cost implications impacting on frontline police budgets and that with one Commissioner for the whole of Sussex, it was unlikely that they would be from the city. He also noted that with 10 members on the Police and Crime Panel, the city would not be fairly represented..


26.4         Councillor G Theobald welcomed the proposals to elect Police and Crime Commissioners and stated that the cost of the election would not impact on frontline police budgets. He advised that each LA would not be allocated one Member on the Police and Crime Panel, but that 10 Members in total would be appointed from the area.


26.5         The Chair stated that Brighton & Hove would still be underrepresented on the Panel.


26.6         Councillor J Kitcat stated that he did not support the legislation and that although the costs would be funded by central Government, they would be passed on to LAs indirectly. He questioned how much guidance about the election process was yet to be published and stated that an all postal ballot would increase the risk on fraud.


26.7         Councillor Hamilton stated that he hoped it would be an all postal vote as turnout was likely to be low because, unlike at other types of elections, voters would know little of the candidates.


26.8         The Head of City Services reported that details about the process for the election had not yet been published, but noted that the council had received praise for its running of an all postal vote in 2004.


26.9         Councillor A Norman requested that the Committee continue to receive update report so that it could be involved in decisions relating to the operation of the election.


26.10    The Chair noted that the recommendations needed to be amended to reflect the fact that the Bill had been enacted.


26.11    RESOLVED –


(1)         That the Governance Committee notes the content and implications of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill.


(2)         That the Governance Committee requests further reports once the Bill is enacted, including specific implications for Brighton & Hove as and when further information becomes available.


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