Issue - items at meetings - Housing Improvement Programme update

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Housing Improvement Programme update

Meeting: 26/09/2011 - Housing Management Consultative Committee (Item 34)

34 Housing Improvement Programme update pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


34.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director Place regarding the progress made in the delivery of the Housing Services Improvement Plan and proposals for the next phase of the programme.   The improvement programme was the way that the council managed and organised work to improve services. 


34.2    The Senior Project Manager explained that Phase One of the programme was detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report and had been successfully completed.  There would be many opportunities for residents to be involved in Phase 2 of the programme.    


34.3    Chris Kift spoke about improvements in St James’s House.  The block now had a Resident Liaison Officer and an on site manager.  All workmen had high visibility jackets.  There was a regular newsletter and coffee mornings were organised.  Everyone knew when major works would take place.  Mears Ltd were getting things right.   


34.4    Councillor Mears was please to note the key  priorities set out in 3.6, which she felt followed on from the work of the previous administration.  Councillor Mears had some concern at the range of projects set out in paragraph 3.7.  She stressed that not everyone had access to the internet and that it was necessary to engage with all tenants in the city.  With regard to the Accommodation Strategy, Councillor Mears made the point that should some of the housing offices close, it would then be necessary to be clear with tenants where they could communicate with officers.   She asked if it was known how many staff would be leaving.  Meanwhile Councillor Mears was concerned that the number of apprenticeships was not being achieved.  It was set in the contract to look for 200 apprenticeships.  There were currently 25.  A clear plan needed to be brought back to HMCC. 


34.5    The Chair thanked Councillor Mears and stated that the administration were actively encouraging apprenticeships. She asked the Head of Housing and Social Inclusion to answer the question about staff.


34.6    The Head of Housing and Social Inclusion replied to explain that it was too early to tell how many staff were leaving.  There was a voluntary severance scheme in progress.  There would be no impact in terms of front line services.  The aim was to improve services and access for tenants.  


34.7    Councillor Randall thanked Councillor Mears for raising the matter of internet access.  This matter would not be forgotten.  It was a matter of concern and it would be followed up.   Meanwhile, there would be apprenticeships and training through the partnership with Mears Ltd and Brighton and Hove Seaside Community Homes.   Councillor Randall also wished to see apprenticeships extended to businesses in the city such as firms of lawyers and architects.


34.8    Councillor Randall stated that in future there would be more hubs in buildings such as libraries and officers would spend more time on estates rather than in offices. 


34.9    Ted Harman made the point that although tenants were getting on well with officers on the group, there were still issues with shoddy work.   Workers were letting companies and the council down.  He was not happy with a door which he had fitted on Friday.   He had lodged a complaint.   


34.10  The Chair replied that she would be holding regular meetings with Mears Ltd and she would raise this matter.  Meanwhile she made a formal proposal to add a further bullet point to 3.7 of the report, with regard to apprenticeships, learning and skills as follows:


·        Provision of Apprenticeship and Training through the city partnership with Mears Ltd and Brighton and Hove Seaside Homes.


34.11  Councillor Farrow expressed concern about residents’ involvement.  Less than 40% of his residents had access to social media.  There was a need to work with different residents.  With regard to carbon reduction, he was all in favour of solar panels but noted that there were plans to fit panels in a further 1,600 properties.  He asked what happened to other tenants who did not have access to cheaper electricity.  That was an equality issue. 


34.12  The Chair replied that solar panels and cheaper electricity would be discussed on item 39. of the agenda.


34.13  Stewart Gover referred to paragraphs 3.6, tackling inequality and 3.7 residents’ involvement. Urgent section 20 work needed to be carried out and  there were a whole group of residents who received massive bills. 


34.14  RESOLVED – (1) That the progress made in Phase 1 and the preparations for Phase 2 of the Improvement Programme be noted.


(2)       That the following bullet point be added to paragraph 3.7 of the report.


·        Provision of Apprenticeship and Training through the city partnership with Mears Ltd and Brighton and Hove Seaside Homes.



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