Issue - items at meetings - Valley Gardens
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Valley Gardens
Meeting: 29/11/2011 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Members Meeting (Item 56)
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).
That the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm authorises officers to progress the development of initial design proposals and a delivery strategy for the Valley Gardens Enhancement Scheme, incorporating stakeholder engagement and consultation.
56.1 The Councillor Davey considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that outlined proposals for the re-design of Valley Gardens.
56.2 Councillor Davey welcomed the proposals. Due to its size and location in the heart of the city, Valley Gardens offered huge potential as an amenity for all residents and reintroducing it as a city priority offered an opportunity to provide improvements to complement a range of important objectives including The Level enhancement scheme and City Biosphere aspirations.
56.3 Councillor Mitchell praised the report noting that in the current financial circumstances, it was absolutely the right time to be investing in infrastructure projects. She asked what impact the use of consultants would have on the Traffic Model and, due to the size of the project, if it would be phased.
56.4 Councillor Theobald also welcomed the report and the improvement in appearance to a key part of the city. He asked if the Cabinet Members agreed that the appearance of this area was somewhat hampered by the current presence of Occupy protestors.
56.5 Councillor West noted his disappointment that Councillor Theobald would refer to this issue in consideration of a positive report and underlined the right to protest as a democratic value. Having visited the site, he had found the protestors to be very co-operative and well-behaved.
56.6 In response to the questions from Councillor Mitchell, the lead Commissioner- City Regulation and Infrastructure clarified that whilst the Traffic Model would be able to undertake this type of project in the future, it was under long-term transition and work was required on the finer detail in the short-term. The Senior Project Manager added that the use of consultants working alongside council officers would assist with a particular specialist skills gap within the project. With regard to phasing the project, the Senior Project Manager stressed the importance of a consistent vision to the work however consideration would be given to transport needs.
56.7 That the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm authorises officers to progress the development of initial design proposals and a delivery strategy for the Valley Gardens Enhancement Scheme, incorporating stakeholder engagement and consultation.