Issue - items at meetings - Interreg bid 'Port Cities'

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Interreg bid 'Port Cities'

Meeting: 03/11/2011 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 52)

52 Application for the Interreg IVa called 'Supporting Young and Unemployed people in Port Cities' pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


2.1       That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration endorses the proposed city councils continuing participation in the Interreg 1Va ‘Supporting Young and Unemployed people in Port Cities’ application.  


2.2             That the Strategic Director, Place be given delegated authority to sign the final project agreement, should the application be successful.


52.1               The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place concerning the council’s Interreg 1Va ‘Supporting Young and Unemployed people in Port Cities’ cross-border funded project application.


52.2               The Cabinet Member advised that the project aimed to encourage closer working between employers and young people through work experience and facilitated information sessions and with learning institutions such as City College and Northbrook College who would be developing a customised curriculum offer. If successful the three-year project would go live in January and work on the dedicated training centre on Shoreham Port would commence.


52.3               The Economic Development Manager explained that the purpose of the project was to learn more about the jobs available in ports and raise awareness amongst young people of the opportunities. The council was working jointly with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) on the bid and, as the funding was oversubscribed, discussions were taking place to determine priorities for action should the bid not be successful.


52.4               The Cabinet Member stated that it was encouraging to know that steps would be taken to take the work forward if the bid was not successful. She welcomed the focus on an employment-led approach to the Shoreham Harbour area.


52.5               In response to a question from Councillor Morgan, the Economic Development Manager advised that using references to ‘port-related’ would give the project scope to use the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration area, which was a wider area than just the Harbour on its own.


52.6               In response to a question from Councillor C Theobald regarding the council’s financial contribution to the project, the Economic Development Manager explained that there was no direct cost and that staff time to oversee it was valued at €43,960.50 over the life of the project, and that the council would get this money back. She advised that WSCC had agreed to provide a €50,000 in addition to staff time.


52.7               RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the following recommendations be accepted:


(1)         That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration endorses the proposed city councils continuing participation in the Interreg 1Va ‘Supporting Young and Unemployed people in Port Cities’ application.


(2)         That the Strategic Director, Place be given delegated authority to sign the final project agreement, should the application be successful.


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