Issue - items at meetings - Joint Commissioning Strategy for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) 2012-2015
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Joint Commissioning Strategy for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) 2012-2015
Meeting: 12/03/2012 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 50)
50 Joint Commissioning Strategy for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) 2012-2015 PDF 115 KB
Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (to be circulated separately).
Additional documents:
- Item 50 - Adults with ASC DRAFT vs8 app 1, item 50 PDF 247 KB View as HTML (50/2) 251 KB
- Item 50 - Appendix 2, item 50 PDF 68 KB View as HTML (50/3) 82 KB
(1) That the contents of the strategy (Appendix 1) and its proposed strategic objectives, actions and outcomes be noted.
(2) That the attached strategy and proposed actions be agreed.
50.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which set out the longer-term direction and scope of how health and social services and associate organisations could achieve improved outcomes for adults with autism, their families and carers in the City of Brighton & Hove.
50.2 The Strategy had been developed in response to national level legislation and strategy as well as local level evidence which had raised the profile of autism in adults and shown that adults with autism faced significant challenges.
50.3 The Lead Commissioner for Learning Disabilities confirmed that the strategy attached to the report was the final version and that all consultation had been completed as detailed in paragraph 4 of the report.
50.4 The Lead Commissioner stressed the problems of underreporting and lack of understanding of autism. As a result the needs of people with autism were not always fed into planning for services. There was a need for a clear pathway into services.
50.5 The Lead Commissioner stressed that most people with autism could be supported through training and adjustments in mainstream services. There was a need to ensure that individuals who required specialist services had access to them. Meanwhile, transition needed to be improved.
50.6 The Cabinet Member reported that he had helped to support a child in secondary school with Asperger Syndrome. There was a question over how well he had coped after leaving school. Failure to support could lead to people going in the wrong direction in terms of employment etc. The Cabinet Member was concerned at under reporting. He noted that there were many adults who had Autistic Spectrum Conditions. They could be supported by modifying mainstream services. He welcomed the report.
50.7 Councillor Norman stressed that there had been a great deal of input into the strategy through the scrutiny panel and committee. He considered that the transition period was crucial in terms of helping people with ASC into adulthood. The Cabinet Member agreed that there was a need to ensure work was carried out on transition.
50.8 RESOLVED - (1) That the contents of the strategy (Appendix 1) and its proposed strategic objectives, actions and outcomes be noted.
(2) That the attached strategy and proposed actions be agreed.