Issue - items at meetings - Council-supported Bus Services Consultation

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Issue - meetings

Council-supported Bus Services Consultation

Meeting: 07/03/2012 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 50)

50 Street Lighting pdf icon PDF 79 KB


50.1 The Head of Highways Operations Christina Liassides and the Team Manager, Street Lighting and Design, Gillian Packham gave an update report on the street lighting review. At the time of the previous report to Committee, the limited service had been mainly reactive and capital investment had been needed.  A small team with a new manager was now established that was able for example to draw up an inventory, improve contract management and start to plan ahead. 


50.2 This was a complex area of work involving 25,000 items and each lighting column comprised network cabling, column, lantern and lamp. Condition of the assets, day-burning lanterns and heritage/conservation lighting columns were the main issues being addressed. A regular patrol helped identify issues but members of the public were also encouraged to send in reports, particularly on day-burning lanterns. Day-burning lanterns  were a problem but did not necessarily cause extra financial costs to the Council.


50.3 The team was working to achieve the best levels of lighting, according to local conditions and the road usage, though lighting levels were a personal preference. More efficient white light schemes and part night dimming had been introduced in some streets. In the longer term it was hoped to implement further measures such as solar powered lights.


50.4 Cast iron columns had long lifetimes but cost around ten times the standard steel version. There were a few spares in stock but it was difficult to justify buying more of this type when steel columns could be modified to match them in appearance. Heritage lighting was being maintained at the seafront and Local Transport Plan capital funds were being allocated here.


50.5 Members welcomed the report that showed the progress achieved thus far. To keep informed especially on maintenance, energy efficiency, light pollution and cost, the Committee asked for a future update to scrutiny.


50.6 RESOLVED that a further progress report be made to Scrutiny.


Meeting: 31/10/2011 - Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)

29 Council-supported Bus Services pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


29.1 The Road Safety Manager Phil Clarke introduced the report on Permission to Tender for Council-supported bus network, agreed at 4 October CMM with the caveat that he had limited knowledge of the subject as it was not his area of expertise. He was standing in for the Transport Planning Manager who had given his apologies for today’s meeting.


29.2 He said the current contracts that expire in September 2012 were issued in 2007/2008 following a decision that combined consultation with permission to tender. This round differed in that the two stages had been separated.


29.3 Asked how the tendering exercise linked in with decisions on the Council’s budget, the Strategic Director Place pointed out that Members would decide on which bus routes would be supported, based on available resources and Best Value.


29.4 In reply to a question on how routes were deemed to be commercially viable or otherwise, Members heard that bus operators had reliable estimates of costs and incomes; and the Council encouraged bus operators to look at new routes as well as established ones.


29.5 Members asked further questions on:  the costs of the tendering exercise; how many bus companies were likely to apply; deregulation of bus services; and to what extent the analyses are based on historical data and on future predictions, for example how future journey options to key destinations (eg hospital) are considered.


29.6 Members queried whether additional routes, such as a supported bus route along the seafront eg from Portslade to the City Centre could be included.


29.7  Written replies would be provided to Members on determining viability of routes, how companies evaluate bus routes, forecasting journey demand and the potential for the Council to establish its own bus services, perhaps via an ‘arms length’ or other organisation.


29.8 ECSOSC agreed to question supported bus routes as part of the scrutiny of the budget process.


29.9 RESOLVED (1) that the report be noted

(2) that the supported bus network be included as part of scrutiny of the Council’s 2012 – 2013 budget proposals.



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