Issue - items at meetings - Fee Level for Adult Social Care Services 2012-13

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Issue - meetings

Fee Level for Adult Social Care Services 2012-13

Meeting: 23/04/2012 - Joint Commissioning Board (Item 44)

44 Fee Level for Adult Social Care Services 2012-13 pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).


(1)       That the recommended uplift as set out in the Table in paragraph 3.2 of the report be agreed.


(2)       That the recommendation for Brighton and Hove to match the applicable host authority set rates for new and existing care home placements out of the city be agreed.






44.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which concerned fees paid to independent and voluntary sector providers that supplied care services on behalf of Brighton and Hove City Council Adult Social Care.  It covered fees paid to providers of services for older people, people with physical disabilities, adults with mental health needs (including HIV and substance misuse) and learning disability services.  Service providers included care homes, home care and community support, community service and direct payments. 


44.2    The 2012/13 budget strategy for Adult Social Care that was agreed by Budget Council on 23 February included a commitment to increase rates payable to independent nursing and residential care and homecare providers in 2012/13 to help cover rising energy costs and support fair rates of pay for workers in this sector so that the needs of those receiving care could be met.


44.3    The Joint Commissioner Older People reported that it was recommended that the majority of care homes/nursing homes should have a 5% uplift, with the exception of Learning Disabilities which would be individually negotiated.  Home Care was being put on hold as officers were working with providers on a new Home Care Contract.  A 2% uplift was recommended for Community Services for Older People, people with physical health needs and people with mental health needs.  The recommendations were agreed at the Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting held on 12 March 2012.


44.4    The Chief Operating Officer reported that this matter had been discussed at the Clinical Commissioning Group and the rationale for the increase was recognised.   If agreed, the CCG were happy to match the 5% increase for residential and nursing homes.


44.5    Denise Stokoe stated that she was very supportive of the proposals.  She was pleased to note the training provided by the Council as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report.  She asked if it was possible to have the same level of support as in the past.  The Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People replied that the Council continued to offer a very high level of training. 


44.6    George Mack asked if quality payments were made to homes.  The Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People replied that there had been some quality payments.  The Council were currently looking at the breakdown of the homecare tender.  She stressed that there was not always a correlation between price and quality.


44.7    Councillor Norman stated that he would like to know how the homes used the uplift and whether it was being used properly.  He asked if the homecare tender process was completed.  The Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People replied that staff would be asked if they had received a pay award this year.  The Home Care tender was currently being evaluated. 


44.8    The Chief Operating Officer stated that she wanted to see the increase tied to quality improvement.  The Clinical Commissioning Group had launched a Clinical Standards for Nursing Homes document.  The CCG wanted to ensure that the 5% increase gave homes the incentive to work with the CCG to drive up quality. 


44.9    RESOLVED (1) That the recommended uplift as set out in the Table in paragraph 3.2 of the report be agreed.


(2)       That the recommendation for Brighton and Hove to match the applicable host authority set rates for new and existing care home placements out of the city be agreed.


Note: The Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting held on 12 March agreed the above resolutions.




Meeting: 12/03/2012 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 51)

51 Fee Level for Adult Social Care Services 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).


(1)               That the recommended uplift as set out in the Table in paragraph 3.3 of the report be agreed.


(2)               That the recommendation for Brighton and Hove to match the applicable host authority set rates for new and existing care home placements out of the city be agreed.



51.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which concerned fees paid to independent and voluntary sector providers that supplied care services on behalf of Brighton and Hove City Council Adult Social Care.  It covered fees paid to providers of services for older people, people with physical disabilities, adults with mental health needs (including HIV and substance misuse) and learning disability services.  Service providers included care homes, home care and community support, community service and direct payments. 


51.2    The 2012/13 budget strategy for Adult Social Care that was agreed by Budget Council on 23 February included a commitment to increase rates payable to independent nursing and residential care and homecare providers in 2012/13 to help cover rising energy costs and support fair rates of pay for workers in this sector so that the needs of those receiving care could be met.


51.3    The Joint Commissioner Older People reported that it was recommended that the majority of care homes/nursing homes should have a 5% uplift, with the exception of Learning Disabilities which would be individually negotiated.  Home Care was being put on hold as officers were working with providers on a new Home Care Contract. 


51.4    The Cabinet Member noted the pressures due to rising costs and retaining suitable staff.  He referred to paragraph 3.3.2 in the report.  This stated that it was expected that providers would use a proportion of the fees to increase the salary of the lowest paid staff towards the living wage.  He hoped this would improve recruitment and retention. 


51.5    Councillor Norman agreed that it would be good to increase the wages of low paid staff.  He expressed concern that this could not be guaranteed, and that wages might not be improved at all.


51.6    The Cabinet Member replied that the council had built a relationship with homes and it had been made clear in negotiations that there was an expectation that part of the uplift should be spent to improve wages for the low paid.  If this did not happen, then the position of the homes concerned would be weakened when the next uplift was negotiated. 


51.7    The Joint Commissioner explained that homes would be audited and this will include details of how the uplift is passed on to staff.  In the new contract the council will ask for open book accounting. 


51.8    Councillor Norman asked where the funding for the increase in fees would be found.  The Head of Finance – Business Engagement confirmed that no extra savings were required to fund the increase in fees.  Additional funding had been identified. 


51.9    RESOLVED – (1) That the recommended uplift as set out in the Table in paragraph 3.3 of the report be agreed.


(1)               That the recommendation for Brighton and Hove to match the applicable host authority set rates for new and existing care home placements out of the city be agreed.



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