Issue - items at meetings - Members Development Session - Empty Property Strategy

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Issue - meetings

Members Development Session - Empty Property Strategy

Meeting: 03/11/2011 - Adult Social Care & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)

Members Development Session - Empty Property Strategy


28.1    This item was introduced by Martin Reid, Head of Housing Strategy, and by Emma Kumar, Empty Property Officer.


28.2    In answer to a question about the difficulties associated with tracing ownership of empty properties, members were told that this was not generally a problem: Council Tax has an up to date record of property ownership, and there are very competent tracing agents available for properties that Council Tax does not have records for.


28.3    In response to a query about the number of empty properties in the city, members were told that on 01 November 2011 there were 954 long term empty properties in Brighton & Hove (defined as vacant properties not eligible for a Council Tax exemption). However, experience showed that a number of these properties would be rolled over in the next few months: 539 properties had been empty for more than 12 months, and this was a more accurate reflection of empty property rates in the city. Of these vacant properties, 291 were owned by private individuals, the others being either the property of the city council or of Registered Social Landlords.


28.4    The Chair thanked Mr Reid and Ms Kumar for their contributions.


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