Issue - items at meetings - Transport Strategy - Parking Tariffs Review

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Transport Strategy - Parking Tariffs Review

Meeting: 29/11/2011 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Members Meeting (Item 57)

57 Transport Strategy - Parking Tariffs Review pdf icon PDF 882 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


That the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm agrees the proposed parking tariffs for 2012/13 set out in the report as the basis for the advertisement of the necessary traffic orders.


57.1               Councillor Davey considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that outlined proposals for changes to city council parking tariffs.


57.2               Councillor Davey explained that parking tariffs were a key part of the city’s transport infrastructure that enabled the council to safely and efficiently manage the city’s traffic and roads in a way that benefited as many people as possible. This review was one of a series of measures seeking to help ease congestion, delays, pollution, to assist local businesses and improve the health and well-being of residents of the city whilst encouraging and providing for greater use of the alternatives that are available – walking, cycling, the bus, the train, the coach, the taxi or the motorcycle.


57.3               Councillor Theobald commented that he fundamentally disagreed with the proposals of the review. He suggested the increase in charges were effectively a congestion charge by stealth and the administration risked businesses closing and deterring visitors from the city. He believed this counter-productive in the current financial climate. Councillor Theobald relayed his concern for vulnerable people and carers who would be affected by the increase in visitor parking permits and blue badge permits.


57.4               Councillor Mitchell noted her strong opposition to the proposals which were unfair and being implemented at the wrong time. She feared the increase placed upon business would force them out of business or the cost would be passed on to residents. Councillor Mitchell relayed her disagreement with the huge increase in visitor parking charges which would have most impact upon the vulnerable and those who did not have a car. In addition, Councillor Mitchell was concerned that the end to short-term parking may lead to increased traffic problems particuarly outside schools. Councillor Mitchell re-iterated Councillor Theobald view that the proposals were a congestion charge by stealth and would drive people away from the city. She advised the Cabinet Member that his administration would not achieve their environmental agenda via hard measures and urged him to reconsider the proposals.


57.5               Councillor Davey cautioned that the proposals reflected the beginning of the consultation period and asked residents and Members to contribute to this process. He observed that the proposals were not a blanket increase with some prices increasing, some decreasing and some remaining the same. There were significant congestion problems in the city that required solution to the benefit of all residents and these proposals were the beginning of doing so. In response to statements made on the impact of an increase upon carers, Councillor Davey clarified that non-professional carers were entitled to free visitor permits via confirmation from their GP.


57.6               RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member for Transport & Public Realm agrees the proposed parking tariffs for 2012/13 set out in the report as the basis for the advertisement of the necessary traffic orders.


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