Issue - items at meetings - Adult Social Care Charging Policy for Non-Residential Care Services

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Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Charging Policy for Non-Residential Care Services

Meeting: 16/01/2012 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 37)

37 Adult Social Care Charging Policy (Non-Residential Services) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People (copy attached).



(1)               That the following table of charge increases be agreed with effect from 9th April 2012 (maximum weekly charge to remain at £900).


From                                         To:        No. Affected  Extra Income

Means-tested                                                                                 £               Estimate


In-house home care                    £21 per hour                  £21.50 per hour  }                 Full year

In-house Community Support     £21 per hour                   £21.50 per hour  }  100           £7,800

In-house Day care                      £23 per day                   £23.50 per day   }

Max Weekly charge                 £900 per week                 £900 per week  }

Direct Payments                      100% Actual cost              max £900 pw     }                              

Independent Home Care         100% Actual Cost             max £900 pw     }


Social Care services


Fixed Rate Transport                  £2.10 per return             £2.15 per return     280           £2.200

Fixed Meals charge at DC          £3.00 per meal               £3.10 per meal        170          £2,700


Open Services

Fixed Meals charge at Home      £3.00 per meal               £3.10 per meal        300          £4,700

Fixed Carelink charge                 £14 per month               £14.50 per month   1470        £8,800



37.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People which explained that most Adult Social Care services were chargeable subject to a means test.  Most people used services provided by the independent sector and maximum charges to service users were subject to the fees charged by those organisations.  However, the charging policy for Non-Residential Care included maximum charges and fixed rate charges for in-house services.  These rates were usually reviewed in April of each year. This year the recommended charges were increased by approximately 2%. These charges were detailed in the report.


37.2    The Director of Adult Social Services/Lead Commissioner People and the Head of Financial Assessment and Welfare Rights drew attention to paragraphs 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of the report.  Only 8% of service users were likely to be affected by the increases.  


37.3    The Director drew attention to paragraph 3.12.  There would be a scrutiny and re-commissioning process for community meals commencing in January 2012 which could have an effect on charges later in the year.


37.4    Councillor Jarrett referred to paragraph 3.7 in the report which related to the maximum weekly charge.  He asked for the maximum weekly charge to remain at £900 a week. 


37.5    Councillor Norman stated that he supported the original proposals.


37.6    RESOLVED - That the following table of charge increases be agreed with effect from 9th April 2012 (maximum weekly charge to remain at £900).


From                                         To:        No. Affected Extra Income

Means-tested                                                                                 £               Estimate


In-house home care                    £21 per hour                  £21.50 per hour  }                 Full year

In-house Community Support     £21 per hour                   £21.50 per hour  }  100           £7,800

In-house Day care                      £23 per day                   £23.50 per day   }

Max Weekly charge                    £900 per week               £900 per week }

Direct Payments                         100% Actual cost           max £900 pw   }                              

Independent Home Care            100% Actual Cost          max £900 pw   }


Social Care services


Fixed Rate Transport                  £2.10 per return             £2.15 per return     280           £2.200

Fixed Meals charge at DC          £3.00 per meal               £3.10 per meal        170          £2,700


Open Services

Fixed Meals charge at Home      £3.00 per meal               £3.10 per meal        300          £4,700

Fixed Carelink charge                 £14 per month               £14.50 per month   1470        £8,800



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