Issue - items at meetings - Open Public Services White Paper
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Open Public Services White Paper
Meeting: 10/01/2012 - Governance Committee (Item 58)
58 Open Public Services White Paper PDF 100 KB
1. That Governance Committee noted the information contained in the report and requested officers provide further briefings once the response to consultation and implementation plan for the Open Public Services White Paper was published.
58.1 The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director, Resources on the Open Public Services White Paper. The report summarised the proposals in the White Paper ‘Open Public Services’ published in July 2011 and considered related initiatives such as the Localism Act and the Public Services (Social Value) Bill. It was likely the matter would receive Royal Assent in May 2012.
58.2 Councillor Mitchell thanked officers for an interesting report, and asked whether it was likely the councils would receive additional funding to run the Neighbourhood Services, and who would monitor the Commissioned Services. Councillor Kitcat addressed the issue of funding, and stated that there was no anticipation of additional funding and therefore any costs would have to come from within the current budget. With regard to monitoring, Councillor Mitchell was advised that consideration would have to be given to either providing scrutiny or enhancing the role of councillors.
58.3 Councillor Randall stated that he had met with Junior Ministers and the government were looking for pilot schemes. A number of areas within the city had already expressed an interest, and if the city became a pilot there could be some support from government.
58.4 Councillor Randall referred to the Public Services (Social Value) Bill, and that the implications for the way public bodies would have to look at procurement was interesting.
58.5 Councillor Powell referred to paragraph 3.6 of the report and asked when the Local Account would be reported to the CMM and the Adult Social Care and Housing Scrutiny Committee. Officers did not know the date but said they would Councillor Powell know.
58.6 Councillor Cox said the new legislation was exciting and would allow neighbourhoods and third sector groups to become more involved.
1. That Governance Committee noted the information contained in the report and requested officers provide further briefings once the response to consultation and implementation plan for the Open Public Services White Paper was published. |