Issue - items at meetings - Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2013-14 and Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings
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Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2013-14 and Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings
Meeting: 21/03/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 171)
Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).
Additional documents:
(1) That the financial allocation to an annual programme of planned maintenance works to the operational buildings at an estimated cost of £4,029,000 as detailed in Appendices A and B, in accordance with Financial Regulations be approved and
(2) That delegated authority, where necessary, be granted to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to enter into contracts within the budget in (1) above, which are procured in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.
171.1 The Strategic Director; Place introduced the report which detailed the planned maintenance works for the council’s operational buildings for 2013/14.
171.2 Councillor Littman welcomed the report.
171.3 Councillor A. Norman noted that the provision for the Dome was high and subject of an historical agreement but queried whether there was any scope to review it.
171.4 The Director of Finance stated that a number of conversations had been held with the Dome representatives and additional funding secured from the Arts Council for England was dependant on the council providing support. It was therefore unlikely that any reduction in the council’s contribution could be achieved.
171.5 The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the financial allocation to an annual programme of planned maintenance works to the operational buildings at an estimated cost of £4,029,000 as detailed in Appendices A and B, in accordance with Financial Regulations be approved and
(2) That delegated authority, where necessary, be granted to the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to enter into contracts within the budget in (1) above, which are procured in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.