Issue - items at meetings - Audit Commission: Progress Report 2011/12

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Issue - meetings

Audit Commission: Progress Report 2011/12

Meeting: 20/12/2011 - Audit Committee (Item 46)

46 Audit Commission: 2011/12 Progress Report and briefing pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Report of the Audit Commission (copy attached).

Additional documents:


RESOLVED- That the Audit Committee notes the 2011/12 external audit progress report.



46.1.         The Committee considered a report of the Audit Commission that detailed progress made against the 2011/12 audit plan.


46.2.         The Chairman re-iterated his and the Committee members continuing concern regarding control weaknesses in payroll processes.


46.3.         The Audit Manager clarified that their work with payroll would be more extensive in this audit plan. They would conduct a substantive transaction test to test controls and the work would begin earlier in the year.


46.4.         RESOLVED- That the Audit Committee notes the 2011/12 external audit progress report.



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