Issue - items at meetings - Adoption and Surrocacy Policy

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Issue - meetings

Adoption and Surrocacy Policy

Meeting: 10/01/2012 - Governance Committee (Item 60)

60 Adoption and Surrogacy Policy pdf icon PDF 111 KB




1.         That Governance Committee agreed the amended Adoption & Surrogacy Policy as set out in Appendix One to the report.


2.                  That Governance Committee agreed that an employee who became a legal parent of a surrogate child be allowed access to the Adoption & Surrogacy Policy.


3.                  That Governance Committee agreed that five days paid leave be granted for the Adoption Preparation and Assessment Process.


4.                  That Governance Committee agreed that the proposals be backdated to 1 January 2012 to enable those employees who were close to being matched with a child benefited from the policy.


60.1         The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director, Resources on the Adoption and Surrogacy Policy. The report recommended the Adoption Policy be brought into line with the occupational maternity provisions and extend the provision to surrogate parents. The Committee were advised that there was a typing error in paragraph 3.3, and ’18 weeks’ should read ’39 weeks’.


60.2         Councillor Kitcat supported the proposals and felt that as the Council wanted to encourage adoption it was a positive thing.


60.3         Councillor Randall thanked the officers for the report and said that he supported it.


60.4         Councillor Mitchell stated she was very happy with the report, and also supported it.


60.5         Councillor Norman fully supported the proposals.


60.6         Councillor Cobb referred to paragraph one of the policy, and asked why it would not apply to foster carers or step parents. Councillor Cobb was advised that there was a separate policy for foster carers and step parents would probably be only formally adopting a child rather than the child being new member of a family.





1.         That Governance Committee agreed the amended Adoption & Surrogacy Policy as set out in Appendix One to the report.


2.                  That Governance Committee agreed that an employee who became a legal parent of a surrogate child be allowed access to the Adoption & Surrogacy Policy.


3.                  That Governance Committee agreed that five days paid leave be granted for the Adoption Preparation and Assessment Process.


4.                  That Governance Committee agreed that the proposals be backdated to 1 January 2012 to enable those employees who were close to being matched with a child benefited from the policy.




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