Issue - items at meetings - Proposed Meetings Timetable 2012/13

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Issue - meetings

Proposed Meetings Timetable 2012/13

Meeting: 20/03/2012 - Governance Committee (Item 72)

72 Proposed Meetings Timetable 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Strategic Director,  (copy attached)


Additional documents:




That the proposed timetable of meetings for 2012/13 be approved.


72.1 The committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Resources. The report set out the proposed schedule of meetings for the municipal year 2012/13 based on the new governance arrangements. The timetable allowed for an eight week cycle of meeting, taking into account school terms, a summer break and pubic holidays. There would be an overall reduction in the number of meetings held. The time the meetings would start had been considered and s58 of the Equalities Act had been taken into account.  An Equalities Impact Assessment had been undertaken to look at the impact of different times. It had not been possible to find a time that would be suitable for all councillors, but the best option was for the meetings to commence at 4pm.


72.2 Councillor Theobald agreed with the proposed timetable, but asked if in future the dates of the political party conferences could be noted to ensure that no meetings were scheduled during those dates.


72.3 Councillor Randall agreed with the proposed timetable but a number of Green Party councillors had young children which could impact on them attending meetings at certain times.




That the proposed timetable of meetings for 2012/13 be approved.


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