Issue - items at meetings - Chairs Communications

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Issue - meetings

Chairs Communications

Meeting: 25/01/2012 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)

Chairs Communications


29.1    The Chair welcomed Hayyan Asif  a new Youth Council representative.


29.2    The Chair summarised that since the last CYPOSC meeting members attended the 28 November, final private workshop on the draft Youth Services Strategy. The Strategy had been approved at the 20 January Cabinet Member meeting. The Chair thanked Officers for the work put into this significant piece of work.


29.3    A collective response was sent from CYPOSC on the 11 January on the home to school transport for catholic schools consultation.


            The Chair thanked the committee for their input into both items.


29.4    The response to Councillor Mitchell’s letter on the calculation of home to school distances for school admissions was circulated to members and therefore is not included in the agenda.


29.5    The Chair and Deputy Chair attended a collective meeting of Special Headteachers at ACE Queensdown Road. The Minutes of this meeting would be distributed to the committee for information.


29.6    The Chair had written to the Cabinet Member with the salient points of the last meeting.


29.7    It was confirmed that the next meeting would be at Hove Town Hall at 4pm to ensure that the Youth Council representatives could attend the meeting.


29.8    The Youth Justice Plan Workshop would be attended by the Chair, Deputy Chair and Councillor Wealls and was programmed in for Monday 13 Feb. at 10am.


29.9    An update was given on the Autism survey. Members noted:


1)     A record of the minutes were “Members resolved to request that an independent user satisfaction survey be carried out with the results to be reported back to CYPOSC at the earliest opportunity”

2)     The survey had been designed and questions agreed

3)     It would be distributed shortly

4)     The survey was going to be independently carried out – would be anonymous and returned to the Research & Analysis team in the council

5)     Results would be publicly available

6)     Discussions were taking place with commissioners and providers to see how this could be progressed in the future.


            Members requested to see the final draft of the survey, thought that it was positive that the survey was being carried out independently and the Research & Analysis team were involved in this. Concerns were raised as to whether accurate data would be captured from families who had been utilising the service for one year or longer and previous users who had left the service and were no longer supported. It was noted that resources were limited to carry out this initial survey.


29.10  The Chair announced that the order of the meeting would change to 32, 31 and 33.


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