Issue - items at meetings - Health & Wellbeing Board Update

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Issue - meetings

Health & Wellbeing Board Update

Meeting: 25/01/2012 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)

31 Health & Wellbeing Board Update pdf icon PDF 55 KB


31.1Steve Barton – Lead Commissioner, Children & Families presented the update on the Health Welling Board (HWB). The 2011 Health & Social Care Bill required the setting up of a HWB for the city.  The HWB would be established in shadow form by April 2012, to be ready to go live in April 2013.


31.2    Members raised a number of points:


1.         It was important that there was a scrutiny committee to hold the HWB to account. Members noted that the committee system would come into operation in May 2012 and discussions were still taking place as to the governance arrangements of these committees including scrutiny.


2.         Concerns were raised as to how GP’s would be held to account as they were members of the HWB. Further clarification was needed as to how this would function. The HWB would have a public health function that would be succinct. Holding GP’s to account would be dealt with through the council and their commissioning strategies.


3.         Concerns over the removal of the Children and Young People’s Trust Board (CYPTB) as children’s health matters would not be dealt with by the HWB. A late paper would be heard at Monday 30 January CYPTB meeting which should address such issues and also child protection, looked after children this accountability should go to the new children’s committee.


4.                  That the membership had the opportunity to include co-optees, the committee were told that the HWB may increase its membership but to start of initially it wanted to keep membership to a manageable level.


5.         Why was it called a Board, members noted that Boards had more power which also had democratic accountability.


31.3    The Lead Commissioner was thanked for presenting the report and answering questions.


31.4    RESOLVED-

(1)       The Committee noted the report.


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