Issue - items at meetings - Governance Committee Draft Work Plan
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Governance Committee Draft Work Plan
Meeting: 01/07/2008 - Governance Committee (Item 11)
(1) That with the inclusion of a review of the working relations with the Older People’s Council, the work plan be approved; and
(2) That the Director of Strategy & Governance be requested to keep the work plan updated to reflect any new items that are identified during the year.
11.1 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance, which set out the proposed work plan for the committee during 2008/09 (for copy see minute book).
11.2 The Head of Legal & Democratic Services introduced the report and noted that a number of issues had been raised by Members as part of approving the adoption of the new constitution. It was therefore proposed that these issues should form part of the work plan for the Governance Committee during 2008/09, and having noted the comments in regard to the Older People’s Council, he suggested that the review be added to the November/January cycle of meetings.
11.3 The Committee welcomed the report and acknowledged that it was an ambitious programme for the year.
11.4 Members of the Committee noted that it was intended to bring a report on the six month review of the constitution to the November meeting and queried whether there would be an opportunity to consider how that review would be undertaken.
11.5 The Director of Strategy & Governance stated that a ‘light-touch’ review had been agreed after the first six months with a more comprehensive review after 12 months. It was therefore appropriate to wait until a full six months had elapsed before reporting back to the committee; however he anticipated that proposals for the review would be brought back to Members for consideration in September.
11.6 The Chairman noted the comments and the suggestion that the review of the working relations with the OPC be included for the November/January cycle of meetings and put the recommendations to the committee.
(1) That with the inclusion of a review of the working relations with the Older People’s Council, the work plan be approved; and
(2) That the Director of Strategy & Governance be requested to keep the work plan updated to reflect any new items that are identified during the year.