Issue - items at meetings - Establishment of the Sustainability Committee

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Issue - meetings

Establishment of the Sustainability Committee

Meeting: 01/07/2008 - Governance Committee (Item 12)

12 Establishment of the Sustainability Committee. pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).


RESOLVED – That the establishment of a Sustainability Cabinet Committee be agreed and recommended to the Cabinet for approval.



12.1         The Committee considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance, concerning the proposed establishment of a Sustainability Cabinet Committee (for copy see minute book).


12.2         The Head of Sustainability and Environmental Policy introduced the report, and stated that the committee would consider issues in relation to the sustainability agenda and make decisions or recommendations to the Cabinet on matters such as the sustainability strategy and climate change.  It was intended that the Committee would have an effective link with the planned City Sustainability Partnership and enable matters to be progressed.


12.3         The Director of Strategy & Governance stated that as part of its responsibility for overseeing the operation of the constitution, the Governance Committee was being asked to consider the proposed establishment of a Cabinet Committee.  Should the Committee agree to the proposal, it was intended that the Cabinet would consider the matter at its meeting on the 10 July.


12.4         Councillor Duncan welcomed the intention to place a high priority on sustainability issues; however he was unsure as to the need of a separate committee from the Cabinet.  He felt that the terms of reference outlined in the report did not give enough information to warrant the need for a committee and suggested that the Cabinet was the appropriate avenue to debate and consider matters and to work with the new Sustainability Partnership.


12.5         Councillor Mitchell also expressed concerns over the need for a separate committee from the Cabinet and the vagueness of the terms of reference.  She believed that the new Sustainability Partnership would be a driver in terms of debating and raising issues around sustainability and would expect matters to be considered by the Cabinet.


12.6         Councillor Mears noted the comments and stated that she was keen to give sustainability issues a clear focus and felt that the establishment of a committee would provide this.  She intended to chair the committee and to involve Cabinet Members and the Deputy Leader to ensure sustainability was prioritised.  She was happy to ensure that the terms of reference were improved, and hoped that the committee would build effective working relations with the Sustainability Partnership.  She also noted that as a committee it would meet in public and all Members would have an opportunity to attend and raise questions etc.


12.7         Councillor Oxley stated that the establishment of the Sustainability Partnership and the proposed committee was a significant step-change, in terms of how the authority would relate to sustainability issues.  He hoped to see the Partnership acting as a driving force in pushing matters forward for consideration and action and the committee would be able to take decisions and/or make recommendations to the Cabinet accordingly.


12.8         Members of the Committee noted the comments and expressed their concern over the need for the establishment of a committee as opposed to the Cabinet having direct responsibility for sustainability matters.


12.9         The Chairman noted the concern raised by some Members of the Committee and that the Leader of the Council had explained the intention behind the establishment of a Sustainability Committee and therefore put the recommendations contained in the report to the vote.


12.10    RESOLVED – That the establishment of a Sustainability Cabinet Committee be agreed and recommended to the Cabinet for approval.



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