Issue - items at meetings - Localism Bill - Planning Implications

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Issue - meetings

Localism Bill - Planning Implications

Meeting: 02/02/2012 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 73)

73 Localism Act - Planning Implications pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).


That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration notes the update in relation to the planning aspects of the Localism Act, how aspects of the Act are being implemented and areas of particular interest for future reports.


73.1         The Leader considered an update from the Head of Planning Strategy concerning the latest position with regard to the Localism Act and the implications for planning.


73.2         The Head of Planning Strategy, Rob Fraser, explained that the report highlighted that much of the impact of the legislation was not yet fully known as the Act required secondary legislation and further guidance for local authorities. It was suggested that Neighbourhood Planning was likely to have a significant impact.


73.3         Councillor Carol Theobald welcomed the new legislation and acknowledged that further details were still yet to be forthcoming. She went on to discuss the necessity for local authorities to meet housing needs, and stated that guidance from central government had suggested this would not be the case if the local authorities could prove the adverse impact of doing this outweighed the benefits. The Leader stated that it was important the Council meet the housing need as this was such a pressing issue for the city; Officers confirmed that they would be making every effort to do this.


73.4         Councillor Carol Theobald also asked if the Council would be coordinating between bodies in relation to the proposals for neighbourhood planning, and Officers explained that they would need to wait for further guidance before this work could begin.


73.5         Councillor Morgan referenced the proposed duty to co-operate between councils and other key partners in relation to the planning of sustainable developments and asked how this would be enforced with the abolition of regional planning. In response it was explained that the Council was already holding discussions with neighbouring authorities and there was a genuine willingness to co-operate.


73.6         RESOLVED - That the Leader of the Council acting as Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration note the update in relation to the planning aspects of the Localism Act, how aspects of the Act are being implemented and areas of particular interest for future reports.


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