Issue - items at meetings - Community Infrastructure Levy: Detailed Proposals and Draft Regulations for Reform - Consultation
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Community Infrastructure Levy: Detailed Proposals and Draft Regulations for Reform - Consultation
Meeting: 02/02/2012 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 75)
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).
That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Environment, Economy and Regeneration endorses the Council officer's response to the Government's consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy - Detailed Proposals and Draft Regulations for Reform (as set out in this report and appendix).
75.1 The Leader considered an update from the Head of Planning Strategy concerning the detailed proposals and draft regulations reform of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). In relation to funding from CIL being passed on to neighbourhoods it was suggested that most funding should be prioritised to meet infrastructure needs, and similar concerns had been expressed in relation to using CIL for affordable housing.
75.2 Councillor Morgan acknowledged that it was a positive notion to empower neighbourhoods, but felt that there was the potential to pit neighbourhoods against each other; and it was necessary for the local authority to prioritise the allocation of funds.
75.3 Councillor Carol Theobald highlighted that funding could be needed for affordable housing, and in response the Head of Planning and Public Protection, Martin Randall, confirmed that the approach currently used by the Council would not be downgraded, but it was important to ensure funding was allocated properly.
75.4 RESOLVED - That the Leader of the Council acting as Cabinet Member for Planning, Environment, Economy & Regeneration endorses the Council Officers’ response to the Government's consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy - Detailed Proposals and Draft Regulations for Reform (as set out in the report and appendix).