Issue - items at meetings - Background Studies for the City Plan

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Issue - meetings

Background Studies for the City Plan

Meeting: 02/02/2012 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 80)

80 Background studies for the City Plan pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy and Regeneration approves the following studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan and other Local Development Documents – an update of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2011, the Student Housing and Houses in Multiple Occupation Concentration Assessment 2011, the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Schedules Update 2011; and Take-aways Near Schools Study 2011.


80.1         The Leader considered an update from the Head of Planning Strategy concerning the background studies to the City Plan. The report proposed that HMOs register in areas with a heavy concentration, and the study in relation to takeaways near secondary schools was designed to improve the eating choices of secondary school pupils.


80.2         Councillor Carol Theobald asked if there had been any success in relation to takeaways near secondary schools, and the Leader explained there were limitations in relation to planning, and it was difficult to stop mobile units; however, this remained an important public health issue.


80.3         The Strategic Director of Place, Geoff Raw, explained he had recently attended a meeting about such issues and noted that the planning regime was not the only way to pursue such issues; work had been undertaken to try and get shops to change their offers to be more encompassing of healthier options such as fruit.


80.4         Councillor Morgan suggested this matter could be considered by the new Health and Wellbeing Board.


80.5         RESOLVED – That the Leader of the Council acting as Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration approves the following studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan and other Local Development Documents – an update of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2011, the Student Housing and Houses in Multiple Occupation Concentration Assessment 2011, the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Schedules Update 2011; and Takeaways Near Schools Study 2011.


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