Issue - items at meetings - Creative Industries

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Issue - meetings

Creative Industries

Meeting: 02/02/2012 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 82)

Creative Industries

Presentation from Managing Director of Wired Sussex.


82.1         The Leader considered a presentation from the Managing director of Wired Sussex.


82.2         The `Managing Director of Wired Sussex, Mr Phil Jones, gave a presentation outlining an overview of the digital, media and technology cluster in the city. Mr Jones highlighted: some of the companies who comprised this sector; the number of jobs in the industry in the city and importance of further growth and expansion of the industry for Brighton & Hove. Mr Jones went on to discuss the role of Wired Sussex and explained how they worked with businesses in the sector, and the future needs for further expansion. He also highlighted the unique selling points of the industry and some of the competition it faced nationally.


82.3         The Leader thanked Mr Jones for the presentation, and explained that the digital sector in the city was a vital aspect of the local economy. He went on to add that it would be positive if provision could be made for New England House to be redeveloped as a centre for the industry in the city.


82.4         Councillor Carol Theobald noted she was pleased to see the ongoing success of the sector in the city. She went on to add that there was the possibility of breaking larger offices down into smaller units, and asked a question specifically in relation to the problems with recruiting graduates to the sector. Mr Jones responded that the sector needed a range of staff and many small businesses were less inclined to hire staff without experience, or those with skills not yet fully adapted to the workplace. Some of the work of Wired Sussex was to help graduates’ transition between education and the workplace, and it was important companies were given the opportunity to sample graduates.


82.5         Councillor Morgan highlighted the value of Brighton & Hove as a location, and stressed that it was a place that companies and staff wanted to be. He went on to say that the city was often seen as a location where companies could be innovative. The Leader echoed these comments and referenced recent survey work that highlighted Brighton & Hove came high in places people wanted to work outside of London.


82.6         RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.


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