Issue - items at meetings - Appointment of Council Representative to the Coastal Issues Special Interest Group.
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Appointment of Council Representative to the Coastal Issues Special Interest Group.
Meeting: 01/07/2008 - Governance Committee (Item 15)
Appointment of Council Representative to the Coastal Issues Special Interest Group.
Councillor Smith nominated following the resignation of Councillor Janio.
RESOLVED – That Councillor Smith be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Coastal Issues Special Interest Group for 2008/09.
15.1 The Committee noted that following the appointments made at the Annual Council Meeting in May, Councillor Smith had been nominated to replace Councillor Janio who had indicated that he could not undertake his role on the Coastal Issues Special Interest Group.
15.2 RESOLVED – That Councillor Smith be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Coastal Issues Special Interest Group for 2008/09.