Issue - items at meetings - Methodology of Consultation After First 6 Months.
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Methodology of Consultation After First 6 Months.
Meeting: 01/07/2008 - Governance Committee (Item 16)
Methodology of Consultation After First 6 Months.
Director of Strategy & Governance to report (verbal update).
RESOLVED – That the information be noted.
16.1 The Head of Legal & Democratic Services informed the Committee that the initial six-month review of the constitution should be after the 15 November 2008. He stated that officers were looking at how the review could be undertaken and what/who should be included in the process and how to form the question so that it was relevant to the public. There was also a need to be mindful of what other consultation exercises were planned for the autumn and he hoped to be able to bring back an outline proposal to the September meeting.
16.2 RESOLVED – That the information be noted.