Issue - items at meetings - Addition of London Road Coop to the Local List

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Issue - meetings

Addition of London Road Coop to the Local List

Meeting: 29/03/2012 - Planning, Employment, Economy & Regeneration Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 98)

98 Addition of London Road Coop to the Local List pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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That the former London Road Coop building at 84-103 London Road, Brighton be added to the council’s list of Buildings of Local Interest and that its local interest be defined in accordance with the Statement of Significance at Appendix 1.


98.1         The Leader considered a report from the Strategic Director of Place concerning the addition of the former London Road CoOp building to the Local List.


98.2         The Senior Planner (Conservation), Tim Jefferies, introduced the report, and explained that the request, to add the building to the local list, had been received from the Planning Committee on 14 December 2012 when an application for demolition of the building and erection of student accommodation had been refused. The current Local List predated the formation of the Council and was out of date; a comprehensive review was due to begin later in the year. It was not the normal process to add buildings on an ad hoc basis; however it was felt that the importance of the building locally and the request from the Planning Committee made an exceptional case. Inclusion on the list did not give the building any additional statutory protection, but it did ensure that greater weight and exploration would be given to consideration of retaining the building, and it was noted that retention already formed part of the London Road master plan.


98.3         The Leader noted that there was a strong case to retain the building as it was a popular, and reflected the departmental store architecture of its 1930s context; furthermore, the reason for refusal at the Planning Committee had related, in part, to the design of the proposals.


98.4         Councillor Carol Theobald said that she welcomed the report, and hoped future applications would, at least, be able to protect the façade of the building. Councillor Morgan went onto note that this was an important ‘hub’ for the London Road area, and he hoped that any proposed development could make flexible use of the space. The Head of Planning and Public Protection confirmed that the addition of the building to the Local List was the appropriate tool to enable flexibility in future development proposals.


98.5         RESOLVED - That the Leader acting as the Cabinet Member for Planning, Employment, Economy and Regeneration approve that the former London Road CoOp building at 84-103 London Road, Brighton be added to the council’s list of Buildings of Local Interest and that its local interest be defined in accordance with the Statement of Significance at Appendix 1.


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