Issue - items at meetings - Biosphere Reserve Work Plan and Consultation and Engagement Plan

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Issue - meetings

Biosphere Reserve Work Plan and Consultation and Engagement Plan

Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Members Meeting (Item 101)

101 Biosphere Reserve Work Plan and Consultation and Engagement Plan pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.            That the Cabinet Member notes the progress made on the project


2.            That the Cabinet Member approves the next key milestone in the work plan


3.            That the Cabinet Member approves the communication and engagement plan




101.1           Councillor West considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that set out progress made towards Brighton and Hove achieving UN Biosphere Reserve status and sought approval for the next stages of the work plan and engagement and communication plan.


101.2           Councillor West stated that he was very pleased to present the report which set out the progress of Biosphere project, and the next steps towards submission of the bid to UNESCO.

Councillor West added that Biosphere was about conserving the natural environment, not just for enjoyment and health, but also to protect essential requirements for life such as clean water and air, and local food production, now and in the long term.

Part of the project included research and education and the role of the Universities and Rangers would be key. 

It also encouraged the city’s economy to develop in ways that wouldn’t have a detrimental impact on the environment through developing eco-tourism, green industries and moving to a low carbon economy.

Councillor West supplemented that key partners had signed up to the project including four neighbouring local authorities, the National Park, the National Trust, the Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Environment Agency. 

The Biosphere project would be hugely beneficial for the city and the surrounding area, bringing together the wide range of work being undertaken and delivering coordinated actions to conserve the environment

It would help raise the profile of Brighton & Hove nationally and internationally, and provide opportunities for sustainable economic development

The Biosphere bid had already played a key part in the successful joint Nature Improvement Area funding bid with the national park worth £660k.  This would bring approximately £116k of external funding into the city for habitat improvement and get the public more involved in their environment.

Councillor West stated that he was looking forward to the formal launch of the Biosphere in May and the subsequent public engagement activity to help inform the management plan submitted as part of the final bid.


101.3           The Biosphere Project Officer gave a presentation that provided further information on Biosphere functions and the work underway and planned in Brighton and Hove.


101.4           Councillor Theobald asked for an update as to the £237,000 earmarked for open access land in Ditchling Rise.


101.5           The Head of City Infrastructure replied that she believed this referred to funding for improvements to Downland which was due to be spent over a number of years. Some of the funds had already been used for improvements to open access.


101.6           Councillor Mitchell thanked the Biosphere Project Officer for his presentation. She agreed that Brighton and Hove had all the component parts to achieve Biosphere Reserve status, stating her relief that work was underway on a project that had been earmarked in 2006 but also her disappointment that progress had not been communicated earlier. Councillor Mitchell asked the reasoning behind the 2013 deadline for completion of the bid.


101.7           Councillor West agreed that it would have been ideal to provide information at an earlier date however; the Biosphere Project Officer had only been undertaking work since being appointed to the post in September 2011.


101.8           The Biosphere Project Officer stated that the 2013 deadline arose because there was an 18 month timescale for bid submission. This would ensure that the bid would be comprehensive and thorough. He supplemented that work was being actively guided by the Biosphere Partnership who had extensive experience and would assist in guaranteeing that the application was of a very high standard.


101.9           RESOLVED-


1.            That the Cabinet Member notes the progress made on the project


2.            That the Cabinet Member approves the next key milestone in the work plan


3.            That the Cabinet Member approves the communication and engagement plan




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