Issue - items at meetings - Withdean Sports Complex Masterplan

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Issue - meetings

Withdean Sports Complex Masterplan

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 251)

251 Withdean Sports Complex Masterplan pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Communities (copy attached).

Additional documents:


251.1    Councillor Bowden introduced the report which outlined proposals for improving sports facilities at Withdean Sports Complex, in line with the recommendations identified in the citywide Sports Facilities Plan 2012-22.  He noted that there would be a consultation exercise undertaken and hoped that it would see improvements being made and greater use of the complex.


251.2    Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked for confirmation of the time scale for the proposed phase 1 as outlined in the report; and noted that the athletics provision was likely to be sometime away.  He also stated that the Conservative Ward Councillors were in favour of the proposed skatepark, as it was seen as something that would meet the needs of young people in the area.


251.3    The Strategic Director; Communities informed the Cabinet that it was April 2013 for phase 1 however, the athletics improvements were likely to begin in the autumn as an agreement had been reached with Whitehawk Football Club which released the area they had been using.


251.4    Councillor Shanks stated that as the other Ward Councillor for Withdean, she also supported the skatepark and noted that the young people had previously petitioned the council and she believed it would only improve the use of the complex and give the young people something that they desperately wanted.


251.5    The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


251.6    RESOLVED:


(1)         That Phase 1, which is the investment proposal to increase the health and fitness facilities at Withdean Sports Complex be undertaken subject to planning consent;


(2)         That the investment proposal (in 1 above) be added to the Capital Programme at a total cost of £3.010m (£1.63m in 2012/13 and £1.38m in 2013/14), to be funded from prudential borrowing over 25 years financed from additional management fee income with effect from 2013/14;


(3)         That it be agreed that prior to letting the contract for the works and agreeing variations to the Sports Facilities Management Contract the viability of the project is confirmed with the Chief Finance Officer; and


(4)         That officers be authorised to investigate the feasibility of the options listed under Future Phases in the report.  


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